Laura Brun


older than you’d

guess, getting fancy

whiskey cocktails

while it snowed, she

was a nurse, straight-

ened her brown hair

very carefully each

morning, and only

half a drink in, asked

me to define my type,

what’s my type, who

did i usually see, what

kind of people, what

size and shape and

color and jobs, was

there any one specific

thing, said she would

make an exception for

a bisexual like me if

i wasn’t like they

usually are, you know

how they usually are,

you know that type,
she paid and drove
me home and there
was no should-we-

just hopped out alone
to unlock the door,

fingertips cold, knocking

snow off my boots
one at a time, nothing

like how you
think it will be.

Laura Brun is a poet from small-town Kentucky who lives and writes in Pittsburgh. She received her BA from USC and her MFA from the University of Pittsburgh. Her chapbook, “It’s Alright to Be Seen,” is available from Dancing Girl Press. Her work is most recently found or forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Hobart, and the After Happy Hour Review. You can find out more about her at

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