Rachel Baum


Nothing really is absolute

except broken windows,

fear and vodka,

divorce rooted in repulsion,

euthanasia of the elderly,

machismo mixed with tyranny.


Loss absolutely made personal,

like pausing on train tracks,

wearing indecision’s helmet,

resulting in absolute death;

so, too, are incurable diseases,

tsunamis and backyard wars.


Your neighbor as target practice

for soldiers absolutely young,

disgruntled and hungry;

not that long ago it seemed, your home

was absolutely there, but is now

absolutely gone.


You cringe, anticipating missiles

that absolutely intend to

smear the pavement with the remnants

of the convenience store you visited every day,

while your dog waited outside,

expecting, absolutely at any moment,

for you to return.


Pledging eternity.

Rachel R. Baum is the editor of Funeral and Memorial Service Readings Poems and Tributes (McFarland, 1999). Her poems have appeared in The Raven’s Perch, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, OneArt, Plainsongs, Chronogram, Jewish Literary Journal, New Verse News, and others. She is the author of the long running blog BARK! Confessions of a Dog Trainer. Her first poetry chapbook will be published in the Fall of 2023 by Dancing Girl Press. She chaired the committee that selected the first Poet Laureate of Saratoga Springs, New York. Rachel is the founder of the Saratoga Peace Pod, a group of crafters who create warm items for people in crisis. For more information, visit https://www... Full Profile