R.A. Allen


It’s the new skinny-dipping

in the downtown fountain.

On high school double dares

these goddamn kids leave

their condoms and panties

in the grass and leaf litter,

to clog my mower blades on

Monday mornings in Babyland.

Sweaty practice sessions for

intentional procreation

among the stillborn and the sickborn

and the preemies who failed,

while stone angels pray down



The symptoms of decrepitude gouge

and prick, but lawn-mower deafness

has made more space for reflection—

and I’m beginning to think a little softer

on these goddamn kids.

Their cemetery fucking

now seems all part of the mix:

seeding and dying,

loving and grieving

             and groundskeeping.

R. A. Allen lives in Memphis. His poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming in Cloudbank, The Los Angeles Review, JAMA, RockPaperPoem, Alba, RHINO, The Penn Review, B O D Y, and elsewhere. He has nominations for Best of the Net 2020 and two Pushcarts. His fiction has received a Dzanc Books Best of the Web nomination. Some of his stories have been published in The Literary Review, The Barcelona Review, PANK. The Los Angeles Review, and Best American Mystery Stories 2010

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