Alan Catlin


The way he worked the room,

the revival tent, evoked his

“Come to Jesus” moment

tailored for fleecing the faithful,

made you wonder who his lord

and master was, Jesus of Nazareth

or Jesus of Hackensack, a broke

down bodega owner with a network

of artful dodgers, street angels,

runners, and touts, purveyors of

stolen goods and substances so

illegal laws governing their possession

hadn’t been invented yet.

There wasn’t  a grift Jesus

wouldn’t back, know about or

invented as long as the principle

invested delivered a regular return

plus interest. His preacher man

was little more than a two bit

Elmer Gantry lookalike, a gone

all the way to seed George Babbitt

reduced to selling DeSoto’s on a used

car lot repo men wouldn’t enter

without armed guards. As far as

Jesus was concerned, all the bills

looked the same in the counting room

no matter where they came from.

No biography available