Raymond Hammond

Editor’s Note

For this Editor’s Note I would like to spotlight our graphic designer, Erich Hunisch. In addition to the professionally prepared and informative social media ads for our readings and issue releases, Erich is doing a wonderful and very thoughtful job of creating our covers. I want to emphasize the fact that these are not random images. These are very deliberate, well-researched, well thought out images created for us by Erich that are designed to be collected on the cover for the print edition of NYQ 67. Stunning and beautiful, these covers are well considered and imbued with meaning. As Erich says, “These covers are inspired by the abstract concepts poets use in their craft. For example, an intersection occurring off the page for 67.1 and the swarming of ideas to create a unified narrative on 67.2.” In deciding the direction for the covers, Erich studied all of the covers from the back issues and suggested using abstract graphic designs in the manner of John Urbain. These designs, then, are not only a nod to the early covers of the magazine, but are also a nod to the close working relationship that William Packard had with John Urbain who created many of the covers in the early years of the magazine. 


Here is Erich’s bio: “Originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, he resides in Binghamton NY. He received his undergraduate degree from Marywood University. He is an art director and freelance designer. In his free time he enjoys slice-of-life short stories, hard sci-fi, and cooking. He also passionately pursues a hobby of portrait photography. His other design work can be seen on the sides of tractor trailers and in grocery stores around the North East.”

Beacon, NY 

July 19, 2021

For this Editor’s Note I would like to spotlight our graphic designer, Erich Hunisch. In addition to the professionally prepared and informative social media ads for our readings and issue releases, Erich is doing a wonderful and very thoughtful job of creating our covers. I want to emphasize the fact that these are not random images. These are very deliberate, well-researched, well thought out images created for us by Erich that are designed to be collected on the cover for the print edition of NYQ 67. Stunning and beautiful, these covers are well considered and imbued with meaning. As Erich says, “These covers are inspired by the abstract concepts poets use in their craft. For example, an intersection occurring off the page for 67.1 and the swarming of ideas to create a unified narrative on 67.2.” In deciding the direction for the covers, Erich studied all of the covers from the back issues and suggested using abstract graphic designs in the manner of John Urbain. These designs, then, are not only a nod to the early covers of the magazine, but are also a nod to the close working relationship that William Packard had with John Urbain who created many of the covers in the early years of the magazine. 

Here is Erich’s bio: “Originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, he resides in Binghamton NY. He received his undergraduate degree from Marywood University. He is an art director and freelance designer. In his free time he enjoys slice-of-life short stories, hard sci-fi, and cooking. He also passionately pursues a hobby of portrait photography. His other design work can be seen on the sides of tractor trailers and in grocery stores around the North East.”


Raymond P. Hammond is the editor-in-chief of both The New York Quarterly and NYQ Books. He holds an MA in American Poetry from NYU’s Gallatin School and is the author of Poetic Amusement, a book of literary criticism. He lives in Beacon, NY with his wife, the poet Amanda J. Bradley, and their dog Hank.

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