Steve Henn


When we first knocked down

the kitchen wall and put the bar

and stools out, my bestie

would come over and we’d sit

and stare at sports on tv

just like we would at the bar.

I got sober and my buddy didn’t.

The last time he came over

he told me that his Q Anon

pals were trying to make things

right. Said he saw a drone

flying back and forth right above

his house, thought he had some idea

what that was all about. I tell myself

it’s time to start praying for him.

The problem is you can’t tell him

anything. He knows. He already knows.

Steve Henn's first two books are from NYQ Books.  More recently, Indiana Noble Sad Man of the Year (Wolfson Press 2017) and the chapbook Guilty Prayer (Main Street Rag Publishing 2021). He has a poem forthcoming in the NYQ Anthology on spiritual experience. He teaches high school in Indiana. Schooled at IUSB and IPFW. Has read at Divedapper Festival, Long Beach Poetry Festival, the Uptown Poetry Slam, IUSB, U-Pitt-Greensburg, and shit-tons of coffeehouses, art galleries, and bars. Poeming since 1990, publishing since 2003. Find out more at

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