Steve Henn


“So much that can neither be written nor kept inside!” 

— Tomas Tranströmer

Most people don’t read.

Makes me wonder if I’m living

in some internet niche of

nonrepresentative American life

where people are literate,

words matter. Hello,

twitterverse. Posting things

I’ve read and things I’ve written

on Facebook and what do I want?

Huzzah, congrats, you’re #1, etc.?

Feel like a small child trying to impress

dad with his soccer skillz.

Or maybe not that standoffish. Friendlier.

My dad coached our Catholic Elementary

team and one of my KCSL teams,

bless him, Lord, he tried. To do

a little something before walking

out the interior garage door

from the living room and never coming back.


Steve Henn's first two books are from NYQ Books.  More recently, Indiana Noble Sad Man of the Year (Wolfson Press 2017) and the chapbook Guilty Prayer (Main Street Rag Publishing 2021). He has a poem forthcoming in the NYQ Anthology on spiritual experience. He teaches high school in Indiana. Schooled at IUSB and IPFW. Has read at Divedapper Festival, Long Beach Poetry Festival, the Uptown Poetry Slam, IUSB, U-Pitt-Greensburg, and shit-tons of coffeehouses, art galleries, and bars. Poeming since 1990, publishing since 2003. Find out more at

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