Stefan Lovasik


Credo quia absurdum.


Centuries before giving up, I installed myself

In great cathedrals and sacred places; inhaled

Incense that burned in the bodhisattvas’ clay cups,

And exhaled my ghost into the broken veil of faith –

Then purified in the Castalian Springs, my perception

Became flesh, a jeweled lamb in Galilee,

And appeared in Judea under banners of silver

And sapphires, yet found a banquet of humanity

Nothing more than bone, the Nazarene offering

A stale riddle and a thousand red thorns

As he opened his veins,

As we finally raised up again to see

A distant tree of snakes and shadows –

The Lamb hung by ropes of stone.

Stefan Lovasik served with U.S.Army Special Forces during the American war in Viet Nam. His poetry has appeared in the American Literary Review, Consequence, Folio, New York Quarterly, Pedestal and elsewhere. He has published three collections: Persona & Shadow (FPress, 2015) & Absolution (Main Street Rag Publishing, 2018) and The Latitude of a Mercy (New York Quarterly Books, 2021).

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