Irina Moga


Submerged, long hours like spider webs hanging from a discolored chandelier

::sunshine, the warmth of the beachhead.


We sit on the ledge of the afterglow of senses::

sundials into a nameless sea

– a plurality of veins and scant fog.


Fog is not a memory, though, to be explored in the space of its rhythm –

toppled sand mixed with brackish water.


We are alone::quiet dead birds inside the raw filament of an extinguished brain,

the boundary of a single nerve.


Call it leaf, if you must.

Irina Moga is an award-winning Canadian writer the author of several poetry collections. Irina's latest book, "Variations sans palais," (Éditions L’Harmattan, Paris, 2020) was awarded the inaugural international literary prize "Dina Sahyouni" in 2022... Full Profile