Irina Moga


A summer of charred leaves, of hail at times

the clockwork of unseen rain gone quiet,

like a cricket overwhelmed by heat –


It may be a hidden marker of the solstice –

light insomnia when it’s still time to turn a page

and you get carried away, effortlessly, into the next day.


Just barely past midnight

– I am greeted by the insanity of birds


to batten down the gates of dawn with trills.


An ad hoc a capella, its sounds to be translated into words,

if only we knew the cipher of this scattering

they pour over the scorched earth –  


the secret key to sleeplessness.

Irina Moga is an award-winning Canadian writer the author of several poetry collections. Irina's latest book, "Variations sans palais," (Éditions L’Harmattan, Paris, 2020) was awarded the inaugural international literary prize "Dina Sahyouni" in 2022... Full Profile