J. Alan Nelson


is an ancient word.
Shapely buttocks.
I learned that word
that day
I saw your hips
move like a dream
when you pulled your skirt slow
slow slow
to show the curve
of legend
that can kill or heal
me with a slight
subtle move.
The sacred sacrum,
gluteal cleft
dimple of Venus, port,
dimple of Venus, starboard.
…the shape of your buttocks
Plato’s best thoughts on form
and tethers a thrill of the Real
that fall through my unreal mind
as neutrinos
through the cosmos.

J. Alan Nelson a writer and actor.  He has stories and poetry published or forthcoming in numerous journals. He played the lead in viral video “Does This Cake Make Me Look Gay?” and the verbose “Silent Al” in the Emmy-winning SXSWestworld. His IMDB link: http://m.imdb.com/name/nm6394406/P

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