Robert Perchan


Roy told me about when he was

in the slammer those two years

and Joe backed him up on this

that they knew this screw

a prison cellblock guard that is

who was a decent enough guy

a really okay guy in fact

and young like themselves

same Creedence Clearwater tunes

same Clint Eastwood movies

though not much else in common

they talked to him about his job

what he was doing to himself

by working for a system

that dehumanized other men

tossing them in locked cages

and all the attendant indecencies

that he was in mortal danger

of turning into something ugly

someone he wouldn’t ever wish to be

his own mother wouldn’t even recognize

and explained to him about Plato

and other wise men they were reading

that he really was in jeopardy

of losing his own Soul

deforming it beyond all recognition

denying his fellow human beings

their essential this and that dignity

and all the rest of it

and the guy listened

and tried to argue against them

but could not make his case

they were right and he knew it

until finally he up and quit

and went off god knows where

and soon enough was replaced

by a real son of a bitch

Robert Perchan’s latest books are the comic novella Tropic of Scorpio (Spuyten Duyvil Press, 2022) and Last Notes from a Split Peninsula: Poems and Prose Poems (UnCollected Press, 2021). His poetry collection Fluid in Darkness, Frozen in Light won the 1999 Pearl Poetry Prize and was published by Pearl Editions in 2000. He also has two poetry chapbooks to his credit -- Mythic Instinct Afternoon (2005 Poetry West Prize) and Overdressed to Kill (Backwaters Press, 2005 Weldon Kees Award) – as well as the avant-la-lettre flash novella Perchan’s Chorea: Eros and Exile (Watermark Press, Wichita, 1991) which was translated into French and published by Quidam Editeurs (Meudon) in 2002. In 2007 his short short story “The Neoplastic Surgeon” won the on-line Entelechy: Mind and Culture Bio-fiction Prize... Full Profile