Laurel Radzieski


Q: Who gets to be a woman?

Select the most appropriate answer.

A. Members only. To be a woman is to be cursed.
Some people carry that burden for the rest.
Everyone has burdens.
Being a woman isn’t that hard.

B. No one wants to be a woman.
So old-fashioned these days.
Women have too much upkeep
for modern life.

C. Women are fiction.
They’re in a lot of fairy tales.
Maybe there used to be women
but not anymore.

D. Anyone can be a woman.
This is upsetting to some people.
It can be hard to understand
other viewpoints, other women.

Answer D. is the correct answer today.

What answer do you think will be correct tomorrow?

Laurel Radzieski is a poet and the author of Red Mother (NYQ Books, 2018), which won the 2020 Whirling Prize in Poetry from Etchings Press. Her poems have appeared in Rust + MothAtlas and AliceSPLASH! and elsewhere, including on roadsides and a street sign in Wisconsin... Full Profile