Michael Spring


between Porky’s Café

and Gravy’s Autowreckers

the train switches tracks toward Vegas


coyote in the distance watches me

pace the tracks

I scuffle dust as I measure my run


I’m not sure what I’d do if I get caught

they toss people from trains

to discourage train hopping


it’s a crap shot whether someone lives or dies

the closest thing I have to a gun

is a rusted railroad spike


I’ll take my chances gambling

maybe I’ll land a circus job


I want to be a wildcard

like this coyote

who leaps into thickets

becomes tumbleweed

becomes a dust devil

becomes everything I’m after

Michael Spring is the author of five poetry books and one children's book. His most recent book is dentro do som/ inside the sound  (Companhio Das Ilhas, Portugal, 2021). He has recently won the 2022 James Tate Prize for his chapbook Kahlo's Window (SurVision Books, Ireland, 2023). He is a past recipiant of a Luso-American Fellowship from DISQUIET International. He lives in Brookings, OR. He is a poetry editor for Pedestal Magazine and founding editor of Flowstone Press... Full Profile