Keith Woodrow


It’s been six months

since David S. Buckel

lit his own fuse, and Brooklyn

seems already to have forgotten.

You’re gonna have to look up

his name, aren’t you? Like you

would have to Google the infamous

Tarek el-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi,

whom Aeneas saw in the underworld.

No spring for Brooklyn.


Even flesh-burningly large

acts of resistance wither

with time. What use then

is the fight, is writing a poem

in a world where poetry

loses to Netflix every night

because poetry can’t hit

your dopamine receptors

quite like a miniseries can?

because poetry can’t fuck good?


What if it could compete?

Imagine this piece just smacking

the headboard, and I’ve successfully

aroused you to action, to quit

your job, convinced myself to quit

my own, to wrap a bandana

around my face, to deface

the skyscrapers of this city,

to unfurl from a roof a banner

that declares meaningful truth,

to blow a whistle so loud I pierce

the corporate eardrum, to rig

the system in the interest

of longitudinal humanity

and the environment.

Can I do that? without lighter fluid?

Is that even the point?


Imagine you binge this onslaught

of peak, golden-age, single-use poetry,

that it can be so easy,

that it doesn’t tire you out

even on these Palinurus nights

when you fight off sleep

for just one more verse and the book

asks you ‘are you still reading?’

because poetry tracks your

levels of engagement.

Imagine you don’t have to pay

close attention, that it can refresh

you, that it can wash over you

like last night’s Grey’s Anatomy,

and you forget it wormed inside

your brain until someone shakes you

by your shoulder and says,

“Oh my god, did you read…?”

and you cover your heart and say,

“Oh my god, so good!”


And that’s the extent of it.

What if that’s the point of a poem?

What if that’s the goal

for a writer to have achieved.

That’s a life oh my god so good.


He lit himself on fire

in a public park because

he could not adequately

change the dire course

of the climate, and he proved

that he had accurately assessed

his inability to influence.


We teach our kids to aspire

to change the world

and their inevitable failure

will not be their fault.

I was built to keep writing,

to keep fucking real good,

whatever that amounts to,

to scream at the mountains,

to keep swimming upstream

despite my no upper body strength,

despite the current interminable

that douses everyone’s fire.

I don’t know what else to do

besides rewatch all nine seasons

of the original ‘80s version

of Dynasty on Amazon Prime

and holy shit you guys… so good.

No biography available