Relics of Lust
New and Selected Poems

by Lynne Savitt

264 Pages, 5½ x 8½

Library of Congress Control Number:  2014931066

ISBN:  978-1-935520-82-5

Publication Date:  02/14/2014

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  Reflections
by Noelle Crough


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From the early seventies when her first published poem appeared in Playgirl magazine, Lynne Savitt's explicit exploration of a woman's sexuality has always been primary in her work. Her poetry has been described as "...ironic, sexual, cruel, angry but useful, loving and always engaging...." A baby boomer, who took an unconventional path, her poems follow her life as a struggling single parent and active, independent woman. Through her autobiographical work in this new collection, we can follow her from her own childhood to being a grandparent with her lusty, honest poems to carry us along. Themes of loss, love and the struggle to survive pepper the poems. Her journey continues as a veteran of the sexual revolution. Her examination of eroticism, at any age, carries on as Savitt allows us to enter her juicy world.


Savitt is the queen of sensual poetry, with a sense of humor second to none. Reading her poetry is like dining at a gourmet restaurant with a wide selection of decadent desserts. However, her poetry goes much further than the flesh. I have been moved to tears by poems she has written about family, lost lovers and friends. Poems written as only Savitt could write them, she has the ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. In the end these are poems that leave the reader feeling like he's in the warm embrace of a lover who knows and shares his deepest desires. Savitt has at last put together her New & Selected Poems, which is much anticipated by those blessed with reading her unique style and personal take on life.

—A.D. Winans

Lynne Savitt writes poems that make one feel warm like an egret in the snow wearing ermine. Like the Muse and Morpheus having an affair. Her trippy fingers take one back to the innocence of the Greek Islanders or the wanton smoky lust of a juke joint. She makes one want to push harder into the Pre-Robotic flesh. No fixed smile and handshake here. Her hand and smile make one come to her poetry as a satisfied reader.

—Charles Plymell

I've been reading Lynne Savitt's work for a long time. Her collection is pulled together with reality and magic, the only handcuffs you’ll find, are used for pleasure. But please, read all of these poems, because there are major happenings going on; in Savitt's work, lust is pure longing, need is a spreading virus, hurt and love are a heart so big, the pulse stutters. Honesty beats it to shreds. She never fails to surprise me with a turn of phrase, like a fast ride in an elevator when it causes a thrust to the gut. There's no subject that is taboo. I like honesty and imagination. Savitt makes them both work.

—Ann Menebroker
