A Boilermaker for the Lady

by Fred Yannantuono

84 Pages, 5½ x 8½

Library of Congress Control Number:  2009931574

ISBN:  978-1-935520-06-1

Publication Date:  08/16/2009

Press Release


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In A Boilermaker for the Lady, Fred Yannantuono flings the funny bone of life right into the void taking the reader on an inward journey that is at once vast and hilarious. With pithy limericks, palindromes, and poems Yannantuono demonstrates his unique and masterful use of language on every page. And with opening lines from the apparently observational such as "The dumbest guy in thirty years" to the seemingly ridiculous such as "A porcupine's an iffy thing to kill," Yannantuono's dry wit provokes humor and thought read after read after read.


Fred Yannantuono can tackle the whimsical, the lyrical, the musical, the hypothetical, the critical, the empirical, and the fantastical at the same time and make it all seem sensible. In 35 years as an editor, I've never read a poet with a greater control of form or range of subject matter or voice. He is just plain fun to read.

—Tom O'Grady
The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review

"What a read! These are brash, in your face virtuosic, witty, funny—and above all, free of the solemn portentous. I'd love to run a rave, er, review in my pages. 'Hands,' 'Amour Propre,' the librarian/love poem, and that one about the prez elections top-notch, m'boy, and right on target. And, as VN says, much, much more.

—John Mella
Light Quarterly