A Love Supreme

by Professor Arturo

84 Pages, 6 x 9

Library of Congress Control Number:  2016941106

ISBN:  978-1-63045-032-8

Publication Date:  07/15/2016

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  cover photograph
by Professor Arturo


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A Love Supreme is Professor Arturo's soaring sojourn to a vision of a newer world as experienced through the virtuosity of vivid verse and a rarity of perceptivity by a poet who has created a unique gumbo of erudition and insight. Compiled some fifty years after the late, great John Coltrane's seminal album of the same title, the collection is awash with the politics, passion, lives, loves and lusts of a seasoned spoken word veteran.


Professor Arturo has gifted us with a collection of his recent work as a "word warrior." A Love Supreme has his signature truth, love and mischief—a treat indeed.

—Mary Gehman, Louisiana author

As befits the title of this excellent collection, Professor Arturo’s verse captures that most ephemeral thing: the heart, soul & pulse of jazz. If you like Coltrane's or Lester Young's smooth sax solos, or Dizzy's or Louis' wild horn playing, or Benny Golson's or Dexter Gordon's masterful riffs, you will love the poems in these pages. And, even if you don't go in for "that kind of music," you will still be in for a treat.

—Neil Silberblatt, Host, Poets Corner (WOMR-FM)

This is the new book by Professor Arturo (aka Arthur Pfister), and its publication is most due cause for celebration! And dancing in the streets! And wild mad love from New Orleans to New York and on to Albuquerque, San Francisco, Dublin and Galway and beyond!!!!!! The good Professor—well, yeah he is often the BAD Professor!!!!!—gives us solid, funny, wise, and sometimes nasty-sweet words of love, hate, joy, and lust. And some damn good advice on what to do whether you are young or old to stay young in the heart, mind, and bedroom! Oh, man, buy this book now! Forget the rent, forget the new shoes, forget food, forget booze and weed—just gather up your coins and BUY This Book. You will be so very, very glad you did!

—Bill Nevins, author of Heartbreak Ridge and Other Poems