(let us cross over)

by Monique Ferrell

96 Pages, 8½ x 8½

Library of Congress Control Number:  2016931044

ISBN:  978-1-63045-021-2

Publication Date:  03/15/2016

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  Attraversiamo, 8.5 x 8.5 digital art � 2016
by Raciel Guzman  |

Winner of the 2016 Julie Suk Award

Named The Honor Book for Best Poetry by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association


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attraversiamo, Monique Ferrell's third collection of poetry, is an examination of a life in progress. It includes twenty-seven new poems that focus on the importance and impact of living within a skin that is both Black and female. Readers will find poetry that revisits local, national, and international tragedies; discussions about the power, �privilege,� and pain of living as a woman in America; and an examination of what it means to survive, stand up, and willingly walk through to the other side. attraversiamo is a poetic discussion about transformation and why survival, thoughtful consideration, and life matter.


attraversiamo is a phenomenal book of poetry by one of the 21st century's most talented black female writers. Monique Ferrell's lyrical collection lingers in the ear with potent insightfulness and vulnerability. She magnificently beckons all generations to be still and read.

—Marta Effinger-Crichlow, Staging Migrations toward an American West: From Ida B. Wells to Rhodessa Jones and producer/director of the forthcoming docu

"And it is stark," Monique Ferrell tells us in the first poem of her new collection. She's right, of course. Everything is stark: desires, relationships, disappointments, even triumphs. We don"t have the luxury of buffers; we always find ourselves negotiating sharp edges. There are no pretty pastel colors to ease us into a false sense of security; Monique describes an implacable world that�s black, white, and gray. Her long lines have the urgency of breaking-news announcements, and throughout the collection she counsels the reader: �keep your dignity,� she urges in one poem and reassures us in another that we aren't struggling in solitude ("it is hardgoing for us all"). This book is about how we respond to choices. We either can embrace its wise poems or ignore them. I choose the former.

—Joel Allegretti, editor of Rabbit Ears: TV Poems