He Took a Cab

by Mather Schneider

116 Pages, 5½ x 8½

Library of Congress Control Number:  2011932515

ISBN:  978-1-935520-21-4

Publication Date:  09/09/2011

Press Release

Cover Art:  untitled drawing
by Mather Schneider


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Mather Schneider's second full-length collection of poems, He Took a Cab, takes the reader on an unforgettable ride of a lifetime. With each poem, Schneider propels the reader into a mindset of having just hailed a cab in a David Lynch movie—one where seemingly simple stories resonate deeper and deeper within the reader every time the book is read. Schneider's voice is in control, honest, and in your face while reserving an underlying concern and caring for both humanity and language. Schneider is clearly in the driver's seat, but you are safe in his backseat. Reading He Took a Cab you have the feeling that you will get where you are going—one way or another. Sit back and relax.


Mather Schneider, thankfully, is not a poet's poet. Instead, he's a poet for everyone. His poetry seems simple, almost stripped, but it contains the only kind of music that matters—the one that lingers and resonates long after you’ve heard it. In He Took a Cab, Mather Schneider drives us around the hard realities of Tucson and life. It's well worth the fare. This cabby always knows where he's going and the best way to take you where you need to be.

—James Valvis
author of How to Say Goodbye

Mather Schneider is not only a sage and accurate observer of the way we live, he's also a first-rate heart in a flinty body; a poet that isn't afraid to engage life on whatever level he finds it, revealing things we don't even know about ourselves in words and poems clear enough and cold enough to shock us anew. This fine book of poetry deserves and rewards repeat reading. Put it next to a faker's books and see how it shines in comparison.

—Rusty Barnes
author of Redneck Poems

As with his day job, Schneider's poems tend to offer brief journeys to seemingly unexotic destinations. But rather than simply cruising us from Point A to Point B, he deposits us each time that-much-closer to the center of our shared human experience; where traditional beauty fails in its contrivance—and genuine beauty isn't always pretty.

—David p Bates
Interior Noise Press