Music for Ghosts

by Christopher Locke

80 Pages, 5.5 x 7.5

Library of Congress Control Number:  2022936662

ISBN:  978-1-63045-092-2

Publication Date:  05/12/2022

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  Vanishing Misguided Ghosts
by micjan /


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Christopher Locke's new collection of poetry Music for Ghosts is a visceral testament to youth and hubris, erasure and forgiveness. The heart of these poems straddle the space between the personal and the universally lived, where the past can shatter our best intentions at love, while the future holds us wanting at the precipice of joy. From his Pentecostal childhood to the blazing religion of punk rock, Locke caromed straight into the void of addiction, even as marriage and fatherhood hinted at something better. But in spite of loss, or maybe because of it, Locke remains steadfast in his quest to seek fearlessly and intentionally, reclaiming every light offered in hope's name.


This book gets to me the way a great opera does or a noir movie. Often eerie, always fierce and intense, it reminds us that death and the loss of love are never far away. But as one poem says, we lose ourselves in what saves us. In work as savvy as it is elegant, Christopher Locke shows us a blaze burning brightly among the shadows. It is the fire of art, and it is there that we warm our hands.

—David Kirby, Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of English, Florida State University

Christopher Locke's stunning collection Music for Ghosts paints a landscape inhabited by voices "wounded by the curse of dumb choices", where "God fills the clouds with his absence," and even "dusk presses the windows until they bruise." Locke's poems—tender amid the grit—seek salvation and absolution as antidote to the frailties of the human condition, with a yearning both gorgeous and universal.

—Tina Cane, Poet Laureate of Rhode Island and author of Body of Work and Year of the Murder Hornet

Downright unnerving in its directness, Music for Ghosts exposes a father lost and wanting in the middle of life. The poems themselves seem to plead—with us, or with God, or both—for any hope of connection, and the result is profoundly moving. With great emotional range and a gift for crafting immersive narratives, Christopher Locke gives us a book that is raw yet deeply reflective, haunted yet deeply joyous.

—Anders Carlson-Wee, author of The Low Passions

What Christopher Locke is able to do consistently in these poems is complicate the familiar. Very often, he quietly grounds the situation in ways that seduce us to prematurely anticipate, as poets sure of their footing can so engagingly do, before he takes the unexpected turn that leads to surprise, and in the best of these poems, genuine, often heartbreaking discovery.

—Gary Fincke, Author of Bringing Back the Bones: New and Selected Poems