
by Joel Allegretti

120 Pages, 7 x 10

Library of Congress Control Number:  2017937336

ISBN:  978-1-63045-034-2

Publication Date:  07/10/2017

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  Cover Illustration
by Jon Paul


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Joel Allegretti's Platypus presents the reader with, among other treats, a cento meant to be in the voice of Victor Frankenstein, a ghazal composed of the generic names of psychotropic drugs, and a tribute to the thirty-three villains from the 1960s Batman TV series. Featuring poems, short stories, Fluxus-inspired instruction pieces, and even text art, Platypus is a hybrid work named after the ultimate hybrid animal.


Concrete elastic. Perf lyric. Narrative and found. Allegretti makes the rounds in Platypus, a show-off with a mission to launch poetry multidimensionally in a rocketing time machine. Finally, poetry as natural as an egg-laying mammal with a bill and a quill!

—Bob Holman

This tribrid's eponym is aptly named, for one cannot imagine its existence a priori. Allegretti's conceptual forays are not only exceptionally honed and finely wrought, but generously hilarious. In homage to that egg-laying mammal whose mammaries are stripped of nipples, this genre-busting annotated romp manages to give plenty of lyrical suck.

—Timothy Liu