
by Grace Zabriskie

160 Pages, 7 x 10

Library of Congress Control Number:  2009933867

ISBN:  978-1-935520-05-4

Publication Date:  01/21/2010

Press Release

Cover Art:  Chasing the Rabbit, 17 x 24 in., acrylic on panel
by Marion Lane

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A special hardback, LIMITED EDITION of this book is available on a first-come, first-served basis. This edition is beautifully hardbound with 6 special color plates of Grace Zabriskie's sculptures and will be limited to 101 books each of which will be signed and numbered by the poet. The earlier you purchase your copy, the lower numbered edition you will receive.

Click here to purchase the LIMITED EDITION.


Already well known as a film and TV actress, Grace Zabriskie's talents are myriad. And luckily for us, they include the poems in her simply titled first book, POEMS. In it, unfettered by poetic or any other convention, Zabriskie has created a collection that is witty, clever and provocative, and above all, original. That her poems—untainted by sentimentality—are also at times hard, dark and skeptical, will paradoxically lift and delight her readers.

—Rosemary Daniell

An impassioned potpourri of images and speech rhythms, of places and figures, spiced by independent wit and indelible memories choreographing choruses of contradictions. "The Castle Builds Itself," says one poem; in that spirit Grace Zabriskie has built herself from her father's New Orleans café to LA. This visual artist and poet of three decades so loves life that she makes all kinds of games of its parts and pieces, projecting her womb as a cupboard, a scene shop as the world, a house as a man's woman, and even herself as the East Pacific Rise. Her social satire is quick and clever; her dramatic irony is as bright as sunlight. She's too spritely a spirit and too accomplished an artist to leave anything human out.

—F. D. Reeve