Voluptuous Gloom

by Oren Wagner

132 Pages, 5½ x 8½

Library of Congress Control Number:  2009939407

ISBN:  978-1-935520-19-1

Publication Date:  11/30/2009

Cover Photography by Doug Earl


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In his first full-length book of poetry, Oren Wagner, delivers what the title, Voluptuous Gloom, promises, taking the reader through a landscape of poetry saturated with the emotional language of a maturing young writer. In this collection, Oren deals with death,love, lost love and "the scars of a childhood mostly forgotten," in a contemplative manner that is also light and easy to read. Just as Walt Whitman said of his own writing, "Who touches this, touches a man," whoever reads this volume of poems will touch not only the soul of another, but ultimately explore the soul within themselves.